Kyosho No.30972 Scorpion XXL VE & GP Convertible Kit Manuel utilisateur
KERRI ZDFRAT ZR KHAICED TRACER L TIES, Before beginning assembly, please read these instructions thoroughly. Bitte lesen Sie die Anweisungen vor Gebrauch genau durch! Veuillez attentivement lire les instructions avant l’emploi! Lea cuidadosamente este manual de instrucciones antes de comenzar el montaje 1:7 SCALE RADIO CONTROLLED GAS / ELECTRIC POWERED 2ZWD RACING BUGGY Scorpion XXL VE 8: GP Convertible Kit INSTRUCTION MANUAL $817/HNR=R8> ( в ONE TRIBAL TA DES, XY7 574 P2—OXADORIT @х 772 PI— 72083 2814, EZ PENA E< 2 N0L> SELLT<EL, AVTFY AVI TORENG AIR. BEVLKSD CRETE ООН |< НН НЕ СВОЕ < КЕ, @ This instruction manual follows the model's order of assembly. Please keep and refer to this manual for maintenance or when replacing parts. Users unfamiliar with maintaining and assembling © . this model should contact their Kyosho distributor or hobby shop. @ Achten Sie darauf, dass Sie keine Teile oder Schrauben waehrend der Montage am Modell verlieren. O Take care not to lose parts or screws etc. when performing maintenance or replacing parts. @ Diese Bauanleitung beschreibt die Montage des Modells. Bewahren Reparaturon am Model auf. Fals Sie Fragen haben, wenden Sie... @ Faire attention de ne pas perdre de vis ou autres petites pieces du sich bitte an Ihren Eachhaendler oder direkt an KYOSHO chassis ... En cas de perte, les remplacer immédiatement. Deutschland. e e Tenga precaución de no perder ninguna pieza a la hora de realizar el mantenimiento o de cambiar algún repuesto. KYOSHO @ Cette notice décrit les différentes phases de montage et de maintenance du modele. Pour les utilisateurs peu familier avec le modélisme, en cas de doute ou de problème, contacter votre revendeur afin d'obtenir les conseils d'un spécialiste. @Este manual de instrucciones explica los pasos de montaje del modelo. Por favor conserve este manual siempre a mano para realizar un correcto mantenimiento y consultar la lista de piezas a la _ hora de cambiar algún repuesto. HE FINEST RADIO CONTROL MODELS ЖИВО, PEN <MKRZZEJ250NS0 EJ, “Specifications are subject to change without prior notice! *Technische Änderungen sind ohne vorherige Ankündigungen möglich! (FOIE (AP) *Les spécifications peuvent changer sans préavis! *El fabricante puede modificar los kits sin previo aviso No. 30972 O Copyright 2012 KYOSHO CORPORATION / SE fa € 30972-T01 HII TEIDFER (1) / BEFORE YOU BEGIN(1) BEVOR SIE BEGINNEN(1) / AVANT DE COMMENCER(1) / ANTES DE EMPEZAR(1) BI TOBIIC PELO TC ENIERZLT< CEL, O-DEBEERC HA. METHMJZ, — as N tt Renta @O+ y ВОЛЕ 5. AAA O XID—AR, TEDSD ELE5, BENRSORE Л pe | Bon ED, YATI—T—HRE, E CCOÉRS < EE LA 17 № Correcto QO NEHFROEPrP HA XA ZBEZIRBRWVWESICT BS, Y SZC UL TRERLBH SEITZ, 17 OTPEREMDSLE: -- Wrong EU MARA . RL BRNO KANNE > | Mauvais <ADED © Fly Mal Before assembling, please read the following carefully: @First, read this instruction manual and familiarise yourself with the model's construction. @Check the kit contents. Should any parts be missing, contact the retail shop from where the model was purchased. @Compare nuts, bolts, screws, etc to the "Actual Size" drawings on each page before fitting to ensure that you are installing the correct parts. @Tighten Self tapping (TP) screws into parts until you have a secure attachment. However, be careful not to overly tighten TP screws as the threads may be damaged. Lesen Sie folgendes vor dem Zusammenbau aufmerksam durch: @Lesen Sie zuerst die Bauanleitung ganz durch und verstehen Sie den Aufbau Inres Modelles. @Überprüfen Sie den Verpackungsinhalt. Sollten Teile fehlen, wenden Sie sich direkt an Ihren Fachhändler oder an den Kyosho-Vertreiber in Ihrem Land. @Verwechseln Sie Schrauben sowie kleine Bauteile nicht! Vergleichen Sie sie vor dem Einbau mit den Darstellungen in Originalgröße in den Baustufen. @Beachten Sie beim Festziehen einer Treibschraube folgendes: Schrauben Sie solange, bis das anzubringende Teil sicher und fest sitzt. Achten Sie jedoch darauf, daß Sie den Gewindegang im Material nicht überdrehen! Avant l’assemblage, veuillez lire les points suivants attentivement: @Lisez d’abord completement cette notice; ainsi vous aurez un apercu du deroulement et pourrez mieux vous orienter. OVérifiez ensuite le contenu du kit. Si jamais il y a des piéces manquantes, adressez-vous directement a votre magazin spécialisé ou au distributeur Kyosho dans votre pays. @Ne confondez pas les vis et les petites pièces! Vérifiez-les à l’aide des illustrations dans chaque plage de montage, puis assemblez les. @Lorsque vous serrez une vis autotaraudeuse: Serrez jusqu’à ce que la pièce à monter soit bien installée. Pourtant, veillez à ne pas trop la serrer puisque vous risquez d’abîmer le filet dans la pièce. Antes de comenzar el montaje, lea atentamente lo siguiente: @Lea, en primer lugar, este manual para obtener una idea general. @Compruebe la conformidad de todas las piezas. Si faltara alguna pieza, contacte con la tienda donde lo adquirió. No se admitirán reclamaciones en modelos en proceso de montaje. OAntes de colocar las piezas y tornillos, asegurese mirando la tabla en cada paso. OA la hora de apretar Tornillos Autorroscantes(TP): Apriételos firmemente en la pieza donde corresponda. No intente apretarlos demasiado, ya que podrían deformar la pieza. + Y HIT, IPREMEICA PIERRE E< A>TWEJ, RASCA TRADE EJ TERBL TD5SÑLZTT < TES Le This kit contains screws and hardware in different metric sizes and shapes. Before using them, check the screws on the true-to-scale diagrams on the left side in each assembly step. Dieses Kit enthalt Schrauben und Teile in unterschiedlichen metrischen GróBen und Formen. Vor der Montage sollten diese wáhrend jedes Bauschritts mit den maBstabsgetreuen Schaubildern auf der linken Seite verglichen werden. Ce kit contient des vis et des piéces de différentes tailles et formes. Avant de les utiliser, vérifiez les vis sur les dessins a échelle réelle a gauche de chaque étape de montage. Este juego contiene tornillos y hardware en differente tamano metrico y formas. Antes de utilizarlos, verifique los tornillos en el verdadero escalar esquemas en el lado izquierdo en cada paso de la asemblea. @ EX DESH / SCREWS ONE Г А / OTHER HARDWARE Schrauben / VIS / TORNILLOS Andere Teile / AUTRES / OTROS ACCESORIOS EX ТРЕХ Зх12тт 3mm Vyÿr—--> E4 EJ 7 Screw Self-tapping (TP) Screw Screw Washer + Nut E-ring LK Schraube LK Treibschr LK Schraube Scheibe - Mutter E-Ring E4 Vis Vis TP Vis 3x12mm Rondelle - Ecrou Clips 4mm Tornillo Tornillo TP Tornillo 3x12mm Arandela - Tuerca Clip E4 ANAM | Re + Jun a im am amm > Cap Screw TP F/H Screw . ae Inbusschraube SK Treibschraube 5x10mm XJ - NFU>T — 58mm FOR—IL Vis Vis TP F/H ax12mm #5 EX Metal Bushing - Ball Bearing Pillow Ball Tornillo allen Tornillo TP F/H F/H Screw Lager - Kugellager Kugelschraube SK Schraube Bague Métal - Roulements a billes Rotule 5.8 = nn Vis F/H 3x12mm Casquillo Metélico - Rodamiento mot oom ula 5. Tornillo 3x12mm F/H 5mm HSE ty REZ |= | joe Flat Head (F/H) Screw Set Screw y 3mm A © SK Schraube Gewindestift tT © Vis F/H Vis BTR 12 58 Tornillo F/H Prisionero 12mm -omm Dm UD HII THIDFER (2) / BEFORE YOU BEGIN(2) BEVOR SIE BEGINNEN(2) / AVANT DE COMMENCER(2) / ANTES DE EMPEZAR(2) AED EE So funktioniert die Bauanleitung: ( En 0 Example ) How to read the instruction manual: Comment lire les instruction: Cómo leer el manual de instrucciones: ( Exemple Beispiel Ejemplo ) А: со СН сое СОВР. 1 №1 B: IEA, E, А. 1 707 HHAN7737 / Front Suspension / Vordere Aufhángung No C: +y NADO, E ZKHZERUT+E— Suspension avant / Suspensión Delantera UN a No. IENTWEJS, ANP YE Sxiomm x #76 Metal Bushing Lager Bague Métal 5x10mm Casquillo Metálico 5x10mm Of Brey NB King Pin BATA RET —No. ZBL TLE, D: xPHEN CIL 4 << DY —I MERZ NT LES, Y —7 IL ELTALTZIÉD Сем, A: Gives the name of the part being made and the serial number of steps for assembling. B: Details the key-number of parts, actual-size drawings and quantity of parts to use. fichsschenkelbolzen C: All parts, except screws, are identified by key King Pin Numbers. When purchasing spare parts, identify the key number of the part required and cross reference this to the Spare Parts page, which shows the purchasable spare parts and the key numbers contained within. D: Many symbols are used in the explanation. Please note to the symbols during assembly. Pas A: Die Nummer der Baustufe sowie das zu A: Numéro de la plage de montage et le nom de A: Indica el número del Paso y la Parte a ser bauende Teil werden angegeben. la piéce a assembler. montada. B: Teilenummer, Teilename, Darstellung in B: Numéro de référence de la piéce, nom, B: Número, Nombre de la Pieza, Dibujo a Originalgröße und Anzahl. illust-ration en grandeur réelle et quantité utilisée. escala real, Cantidad utilizada. C: Die Teilenummer stellt den Bezug zu unserer C: Toutes les pièces, exceptées les vis, sont C: Todas las piezas, excepto los tornillos vienen Bestellnummer her. Am Ende der identifiées par un numéro de référence. Pour identificadas por un número. Para Bauanleitung finden Sie eine Ersatzteilliste, l'achat de pièces de rechange, trouvez ce comprarlas por separado, die zu der Teilenummer die entsprechende numéro dans la liste pour pièces de rechange mire el número en la lista de piezas y apunte Bestellnummer liefert. a la fin de cette notice. Toute a la gauche de la referencia de la columna izquierda. D: Vielen Symbole werden in der Darstellung cette meme liste, vous trouverez ainsi le D: Muchos simbolos se utilizan en la verwendet. Achten Sie auf diese beim numéro de commande correspondant. explicacion. Ten en cuenta los simbolos Zusammmenbau. D: Beaucoup de symboles sont utilisNis tout au durante el montaje. long de la notice.Merci de tenir compte de ces symboles durant l'assemblage. PISE (ETAT IBY—7 Erklaerung zu den Symbolen in dieser Anleitung Symbols used throughout the instruction manual, comprise: Liste des symboles à respecter lors du montage: Pictogramas utilizados en este manual de instrucciones 4 A EBL THEI TS. EERU &SICHEITS, UN ESOMEICHEITS. Assemble left and right sides the same way po Assemble in the specified order. © Mic Pay close attention here! . Vorsicht! Wichtiger Hinweis! Bauen Sie eine linke und eine rechte Seite. In der angegebenen Reihenfolge zusammenbauen. Assemblez le cóté gauche comme le cóté droit. Assemblez dans l'ordre indiqué. Realice el montaje de igual forma en ambos lados. Attention! Avis important! Preste atención. HET HLS ICHILTS, Ensure smooth, non-binding movement when assembling. Das Teil muB sich leicht bewegen lassen. La piéce doit pouvoir pivoter autour de la vis. Asegúrese que la pieza se mueve suavemente. Realice el montaje en el orden indicado. 2ty MEIZTS (HD), TIRZEZS, Assemble as many times as specified. Apply grease. Sooft wie angegeben zusammenbauen. Fetten. Assemblez aussi souvent qu'indiqué. Graissez. Repita las veces señaladas. Aplicar grasa. = ES SY EN RTE, ЭВ Л Бао KIAYV IHERB, True-to-scale diagram. Must be purchased separately! Apply threadlocker (screw cement). MaBstabsgetreue Darstellung. Das Teil ist nicht im Bausatz enthalten! Verwenden Sie Schraubensicherungslack. Illustration a I’échelle. Doit étre acheté séparément! Appliquer du frein filet. Dibujo a tamaño real. Debe comprarse por separado. Aplique líquido fijatornillos. AIF, ZB. Va MRE TEE 5. For Right. For Left. Apply instant glue (CA glue, super glue). Rechts Links Y (07:8 Verwenden Sie Sekundenkleber. Drolte Gauche Collez avec de la colle cyanoacrylate. Derecha Izquierda Aplique pegamento instantáneo. PP JLREEAITER DD. RDZIY HI Apply rubber type glue. Cut off excess. Will Gummikleber. Uberschiissiges Material abschneiden. Collez avec de la colle a caoutchouc. Coupez l’excès. Aplicar cola de contacto. Corte el sobrante. Fy HOBICEZ245'9(1) ITEMS REQUIRED FOR OPERATION (1) 2 Fv KIL7 Y FMIRERIEMES (7107) CE EXE Cy 5 — 2ch with electric speed controller and 1 servo radio control set Batteries for transmitter (th ERNE) = CAUTION: Only use a surface radio with 2 channels and electric IS speed controller! (Any other radio is prohibited!) 1 Xt. CFS (BENE) 07012 Y HZ 3 EF T< TES WL, ae A ic o > OD+"vy HIID7ONZECTI, ША 7 Suitable servos, receiver & electric speed controller OE 27 7 Y 791 7ENZEL 27477470 | IATHBDESDS, BFRDIATE Stick-type 7 HE LT REL, 2ch radio set. Servo ЕР x 1 for O ORDER WE, FORCE DEE x 2 for GP EZ8ELT< E, 38-41mm OThis kit requires a 2 channel radio con-trol set with electric speed E 77 (EP 056) controller. Electric speed @Use stick-type or wheel-type transmitter, BUILT controller whichever suits you best. 2FY KI FAR OFor more information on the transmitter, Wheel-type kindly refer to the instruction manual of 2ch radio set. the transmitter. Ш Ей Receiver — 20~25mm 20-32 NS 43~48mm N ” ХЕ) + НЕЙ НХ 7 II — (EPOZSÁ) Operation/Receiver Battery (For EP chassis) < ЕЖЕ > O NIADDT7 4 —LAYA VE LiPo /\y FT JU —T, Super (Deans) 777 (3%75—) < For Car Need > TN HEDHDICRD FT, Only use with Team Orion LiPo batteries with Super (Deans) plugs (connectors). ETHT 1 —LAVAVEODLI-Po/Ny FJ — (25-6S), 177 IU —D+F YI EU KITEHDESC E E— Y —DOSPECE ЗНС там, Batteries for ESC. We recomend Team Orion Li-Po battery packs(2S-6S) which is suitable for the ESC and motor which will be installed. Ш ЕН ‘У т О — (GOA) Battery for Receiver unit (For GP chassis) TITUS (GPOGR) ely IYICSPET.ATON- YETI, ngine / Muffler (For GP chassis) Option parts for using option engines. ( > @ZDFy MIEH—HD.25~32V ATVI VHBETT, >> CEAICBRIIVIVICHEREZN TWH DZZENZNER @ This kit requires .25 - .32 class car engine. LTE, Use components that are compatible with the engine you are using. XA hY 7h, 7777747 7h E77 — AA CEE, A71 NFEY 7 Plug DIVIVICRD FT, Engine must have integrated Pilot and crank shaft (SG) with rear exhaust and slide carburetor configuration. E Fv hOMICEZZ3Y (2) ITEMS REQUIRED FOR OPERATION (2) E—9Y9— /ESCAXE-FIZHO—7-) (EP DÉ) Motor / Electric Speed Controller (For EP chassis) 7 LE—9— Brushless Motor 757 LA ESC Brushless ESC F—LAUAYÉEFR 1/89 XESC Team Orion ESC for 1/8th size car (Vortex XXL VE) ZEN (Vortex Seven) Team Orion motor for 1/8th size car (Vortex Seven) RAN MENE (GP 0%6) ltems required for starting the engine. (For GP chassis) Paint Ш m757t—5— ORT « DRE EBRD DET, Glow Fuel Plug Heater RETR. ETIEABRL AIL —% йо ОСЛЕ ОСН <, @For painting the body, use Kyosho paints for models! No.R246-8604 ЕН T7 O—KNE 30% No.36217 ROUTE 246 GP Fuel 30% Booster Charger 2.0 No.76001~76062 REA TL —hT— Ш Хх — 5 — Ш ХУ — 5 —/\у т) — KYOSHO SPRAY COLOR Starter Battery e AI—I—HENyTU— Ni-MH 4000mAJX E No.36209 XI FAZ-9-mY7A42.0 Multi Starter Box 2.0 Battery for starter box Recomended to use NiMh 4000mA or higher | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ; | 7-29-Fy-Iy-20 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | € D1 4 Other required equipments Shock Oil #450 Wavy A1IL #450 EN 77711 JU 47000 Diff Oil #7000 Err—7)—#+—A1)L Air Cleaner Oil No.96169 ту —t— ATL (100cc) Air Cleaner Oil (100cc) НОВ Tools required EJ 2 IAN, +9ESLT< TL, === CAUTION: Handle tools carefully! ER FYMCA>TWSHIEA TOOLS INCLUDED —RNZZIA Tools VA; A du bee ACCESSORIES BAALYF 7577 (1.5mm, 2mm, 2.5mm, 3mm) Plug Wrench Hex wrenches (1.5mm, 2mm, 2.5mm, 3mm) 1.5mm |) No.80164 ) JAAL VF 2mm (5.5 / 7 / 8 / 10mm) Cross Wrench (5.5/7/8/10mm) 3mm | E + F7L27 (114 7 Cross Wrench (small) Grease (Gm | E UANUT Needle Nose Pliers | X — Wire i > Ш ЛУ о — 77 Sharp Hobby Knife [7777777777 UTA — No.96154 KYOSHO ANY FIL JL— KYOSHO Special Glue ВН) ВО Я! Instant Glue Ш БУ 72! Screw Cement | SCREW | = CEMENT No.96178 Ay J %4 k($58E/10cc) Loctite (Medium Strength / 10cc) J No.36219 SP +17IyI—-7- SP KNIFE EDGE REAMER — lb eu | PAMTIIRFET, É121 -15MMON& I TESIETI. No need to pre-drill! Drills neat 1 + 15mm holes directly! Да ПОР PREPARE RADIO TRANSMISSION O 704 TOIREL Lib TEY .HUEZ, Set up the radio as explained below. ap ca MAS | H/\y7TU— Battery Electric Speed Controller 1) mue Transmitter 1 SEL Transmitter Фо ЗЕНОН TEE Y MT 2, ZERO VO AHEURSEBEANyTFU—EDBS. SEO TOT, MU LERRICEY MTB, REED ZA v FE AND, FYTDRAYFEANSo ЛУ КЛИН ОВЕН ОСЛЫ ВС ДЕНЬ OS 9) PVT DRA y FS, SEDA Y FED, MERO 7 TOD. a Receiver Antenna OSTART Insert AA-size batteries into the Transmitter. Extend the antenna of transmitter. Connect the charged battery to the receiver. Unwind the Receiver antenna. Set trims of transmitter to center. Switch "ON" the Transmitter. Switch "ON" the Electric Speed Controller. Check that the servos move in accordance with the control from transmitter. OFINISH [9] Switch "OFF" the Electric Speed Controller. Switch "OFF" the Transmitter. [11] Retract the Transmitter antenna. O 704% FOIRE о СВ м КОЖЕ, Set up the radio as explained below. ap ca ETT Elo Gl on Ш /\У 7 О — | DOSE: Battery Switch > «= ОМ [9] OFF | ВЕЗЕТ: Transmitter ФНК ICE КЗ 5. EDO TO, HEURSEREANyTFU—EDBS. MFEDTYTHEDES. NU LZEFRRICEY MTB, REED AA v FE AND, EMO Vv FAND. NY RILINY H—%28H LU TH —RHBWT WSO. OD [9] 15D Y FEZ, EERDAT Y FED, EEWOT VT FERED, EEE] = | “im => [ | aa Antenna ES Receiver OSTART Insert AA-size batteries into the Transmitter. Extend the antenna of transmitter. Connect the charged battery to the receiver. Unwind the Receiver antenna. Set trims of transmitter to center. Switch "ON" the Transmitter. Switch "ON" the Receiver. Check that the servos move in accordance with the control from transmitter. OFINISH [9] Switch "OFF" the Receiver. Switch "OFF" the Transmitter. [11] Retract the Transmitter antenna. A EME (1) ARRANGEMENT OF PLASTIC PARTS ON RUNNERS (1) в ООВ ЕЯ ЕЖА, Shaded Parts are not used. 2I— 8 77— EME (2) ARRANGEMENT OF PLASTIC PARTS ON RUNNERS (2) LCT Cr I . —— U чер = [Sm N EX NI ZZ == D, © Е === = === === = D> ООО ЕН ЕЖА, Shaded Parts are not used. ZF —75/—V ERE (3) ARRANGEMENT OF PLASTIC PARTS ON RUNNERS (3) e DO DO a) DO a] a a o. E) a OO) | OO @Ds@ | @s@ 0°0| 0 E] 1 0”0 9% 1 1 G O C JU yt l= © © ( a a a (e) da = (2) OC, oC - © f , ol Je N A (o) off ho LJ © D> | OB. EL EE Mo Shaded Parts are not used. 77% / Differential / Gear Differential Op Différentiel / Diferencial 2 77% / Differential / Gear Differential Différentiel / Diferencial No.SIL7000 M4 7 7A1)L#7000 Diff. Oil #7000 Differential-Oel #7000 Huile de différentiel #7000 Aceite diferenciales #7000 3x15mm Bag M1 4x4mm EY REX Set Screw Gewindestift Vis BTR 4x4mm Prisionero 4x4mm 077 O-ring O-Ring Joint thorique Junta Tórica Of (6) 25x 12mm vv 7k Shaft Welle Axe 2.5x12mm Eje 2.5x12mm sx 16 x 5mm “777 Ball Bearing Kugellager Roulements à billes Rodamiento (1) 4mm SL Shim Unterlegscheibe Rondelle de callage Arandela 1 Bag M1 3x15mm SAY I AER F/H Hex Screw Inbus-Senkkopfschraube Vis BTR a téte fraisée F/H hex tornillo (Gre 0-7 O-ring O-Ring Joint thorique Junta Tórica Of — (4) 2.5 x 12mm +76 Shaft Welle Axe 2.5x12mm Eje 2.5x12mm (sx 16 x 5mm Xx7 77 Ball Bearing Kugellager Roulements a billes Rodamiento UV TA / Rear Gearbox / Hintere Getriebegeháuse 4x25mm Carter de différentiel arriere / Caja de transmisión Trasera 4mm UY 7 X—A7— / Rear Shock Stay / Hintere Dämpferbrücke Support amortisseurs arrière / Soporte amortiguadores trasero 3 [mE +A (69 6 x 12 x mm x7 77 Ball Bearing Kugellager Roulements a billes Rodamiento 25x9.5mm У Pin Stift Axe 2.5x9.5mm Pasador 4 x 25mm RY Ay I AER Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR a téte ronde Button hex tornillo 4mm FAY F vb Nylon Nut Kunststoffmutter Ecrou nylon uerca Nylon on OBciasrcrs0, Assembled at No.1. Montiert in Baustufe 1 Assemblé en phase No1 Montados en No.1 4 [im PEZ 4 x 16mm RY NY I AER Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR a téte ronde Button hex tornillo 4x18mm RY VAY I AER Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR a téte ronde Button hex tornillo 5 UH AR 3 / Rear Suspension / Hintere Aufhángung Ong Suspension arrière / Suspensión Trasera onl 4x16mm 5 [mE +A 3mm +7 07+y kh Nylon Nut Kunststoffmutter Ecrou nylon Tuerca Nylon OF 3x16.8mm EY Pin Stift Axe 3x16.8mm Pasador (55) & x 16 х5тт “7 477 Ball Bearing Kugellager Roulements a billes Rodamiento 4x53mm ¥+ 7h Shaft Welle Axe 4x53mm Eje 4x53mm 70 KY ARV 3 / Front Suspension / Vordere Aufhángung Suspension avant / Suspensión Delantera 4x8mm Ey HEZ Set Screw Gewindestift Vis BTR 4x8mm Prisionero 4x8mm 4x 16mm EX Screw Schraube Vis 4x16mm Tornillo 4x16mm | mE : 6 [mE +A 5x64mm 2Y7hb Shaft Welle Axe 5x64mm Eje 5x64mm 3mm 4 НУР | Nylon Nut Kunststoffmutter Ecrou nylon Tuerca Nylon 7AY HTA У а М / Front Suspension / Vordere Aufhángung Suspension avant / Suspensión Delantera 3x25mm om | po 7 ETA Ма У / Front Suspension / Vordere Aufhángung Suspension avant / Suspensión Delantera 3 € 3mm FAs 8 3x 16.8mm E> Pin Stift Axe 3x16.8mm Pasador Or J 2 4x25mm TY NYI7AEAR Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR a téte ronde Button hex tornillo (fm = 3x25mm MSYNYTIRER Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR à tête ronde Button hex tornillo om creer 6 3x10mm MSYNYVTREZR Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR à tête ronde 4x10mm MSYNYTIRER Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR à tête ronde 4x8mm tyNER Set Screw Gewindestift Vis BTR 4x8mm 4mm FTOYFYH Nylon Nut Kunststoffmutter Ecrou nylon Tuerca Nylon E (55 8 x 16x5mm NPFUYZT Ball Bearing Kugellager Roulements à billes Rodamiento a Bag M3 4x53mm Y%7H Shaft Welle Axe 4x53mm Eje 4x53mm 3mm FOF vk Nylon Nut Kunststoffmutter Ecrou nylon Tuerca Nylon of 70> NY ANRYZ 3 / Front Suspension / Vordere Aufhängung Suspension avant / Suspensiön Delantera 4x 18mm JOY EHDANY 237 / Front Suspension / Vordere Aufhángung Suspension avant / Suspensión Delantera 9 [mE +A 4x 18mm MSYNYIRER Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR a téte ronde Button hex tornillo 10 [m вес М3 + в FIRTANOYR Adjust Rod Gestaenge Biellette réglable Tirante ajustable 1948.5mm / approx. 48.5mm / ca. 48.5mm / environ 48.5mm / aprox. 48.5mm | ШО D> 556, This side is reverse thread. Diese Seite besitzt ein Linksgewinde Filetage inversé de ce sens Este lado es de rosca inversa Ge CS, se e ve GE x Z © Ca NET EN M—JLIYE Ball End Kugelpfanne Chape Rótula MIYNYIRER Button Hex Screw 3 x 6mm Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR à tête ronde (00) 3 x mm ГЛ \у У) у — Washer Scheibe Rondelle 3x9mm Arandela 3x9mm 2 В [Е] вес м4 + в Grs 0-7 O-ring O-Ring Joint thorique Junta Tórica ol --11 D 5 Ф So <= 2 о © КОФЕ М) = ео © OBE КБЕ ФЕ осо DF x (Toh Sm тво pus>u Е Е LO т x + MIYNYIREZR REET вес м4 + в 3 x 10mm 1 1 D © 1 = 1 se : ce 1 30652 | о о == 1 = D c 1 осо = 1 N 5 Q 1 X 87 x 1 ECB Irc< 1 стве |; о мо 1 E 2 = 1 532205 1 ОЙ Das Chassis / Chassis / Chasis 2 Y Y — / Chassis 4x15mm 4x15mm @ Y 4x15mm 4x15mm Das Chassis / Chassis / Chasis 2 Y Y— / Chassis |! y 5 I 0 0 || 0 00 D = 35 Л ЕР Ÿ 7 Y— / Chassis Das Chassis / Chassis / Chasis 3x10mm 0 - O ) M7, KO, JR O) 177 SANWA Futaba (AIRTRONICS), 231 KO, JR HITECO2Z4TEL—Y 3 YDY—HÆ ER SFE ОЛ AXEL TEE Lo For HiTech 24T seration, use the ( > ( > plastic servo horn included in Kit. N J \ \ _ С D 4x15mm #—7ht1/t— / Servo Saver Servo Saver / Sauve-servo / Salvaservos 4x16mm a a d ВИ CE) a > y — E у * D Fler 13 [im PRE 4х 15тт H7ANY7AEZ F/H Hex Screw Inbus-Senkkopfschraube Vis BTR a téte fraisée F/H hex tornillo Dom В 3x10mm TY NY7AEA Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR a téte ronde Button hex tornillo MIYNYTRER Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR à tête ronde 3 x 6mm 2x6mm Fw IER Cap Screw Inbusschraube Vis Tornillo allen REA [0 ceo vs + 8 3x15mm TY NY7AEAZ Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR a téte ronde Button hex tornillo 4x 16mm HSAYV I AER F/H Hex Screw Inbus-Senkkopfschraube Vis BTR a téte fraisée F/H hex tornillo mmm +--+ 3mm +7a2+Yyk Nylon Nut Kunststoffmutter Ecrou nylon Tuerca Nylon (O) aaa aaa RR LEE №7) (5) 5 x 10 x4mm x7 477 Ball Bearing Kugellager Roulements a billes Rodamiento (505 x 8 x 2.5mm "FUL Ball Bearing Kugellager Roulements à billes H—iRt- /\— / Servo Saver Servo Saver / Sauve-servo / Salvaservos 1 UU 4x16mm 7 2I\DBEOMm/Z DM: TF —RicEHh ES, FoI ITED KL DICERTE, Futaba and Kyosho servos requires 0mm / Other servos please adjust so that the steering is straight U YA NY737 / Rear Suspension / Hintere Aufhángung Suspension arrière / Suspensión Trasera 7 o © | | | 4x20mm 4x20mm A Me YU > > TA 474 ANY737 / Rear Suspension / Hintere Aufhängung Suspension arriére / Suspensión Trasera 4x15mm 4x15mm 4x15mm 15 [ai PERE 4x16mm y FER Set Screw Gewindestift Vis BTR 4x16mm Prisionero 4x16mm AFFPULYIR—LIVE Steering Ball End Trimmung Kugelpfanne Direction Chape Direcciôn Rétula ©) Г | Вад M6 4 x 20mm SAY I AEX F/H Hex Screw Inbus-Senkkopfschraube Vis BTR a téte fraisée F/H hex tornillo Dom 4тт 710Y>Yb Nylon Nut Kunststoffmutter Ecrou nylon Tuerca Nylon ol Bag M6 4x 15mm YSAv I AEX F/H Hex Screw Inbus-Senkkopfschraube Vis BTR a téte fraisée 1 8 Y {74 2 3 а У / Rear Suspension / Hintere Aufhangung | [NS Suspension arriére / Suspensión Trasera om ВЕ [Е] вес Мб + В Руб АННУ Adjust Rod Gestaenge Biellette réglable Tirante ajustable 444 / . 44mm / ca. 44 1:1 meme mt ДОК > = 5 БОЙ 3, This side is reverse thread. Diese Seite besitzt ein Linksgewinde Filetage inversé de ce sens Este lado es de rosca inversa 1 © IOYNTANYS SY /Front Suspension / Vordere Aufhängung Suspension avant / Suspensiôn Delantera 3x16mm ee 2 7.8тт ЛУ К Ва! Епа Kugelpfanne Chape Rótula 3x6mm MSYNYTIREZR Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR a téte ronde (00) 3 x Imm 7yY— Washer Scheibe Rondelle 3x9mm Arandela 3x9mm IE Bag M6 + C 4mm 74 НУ У b Nylon Nut Kunststoffmutter Ecrou nylon Tuerca Nylon og : 4x 40mm SAY I AER F/H Hex Screw Inbus-Senkkopfschraube Vis BTR a téte fraisée F/H hex tornillo Por 2 4x25mm HSA I AER F/H Hex Screw Inbus-Senkkopfschraube Vis BTR à tête fraisée F/H hex tornillo MII 2 3x16mm HAV I AEX F/H Hex Screw Inbus-Senkkopfschraube Vis BTR a téte fraisée F/H hex tornillo Das Chassis / Chassis / Chasis > + М — / Chassis ATF I> | Steering Lenkung / Direction / Dirección / environ 53mm / aprox. 53mm «== N = Ql D D = 8 2 — < | x £3 x Es m = + IDOL UTZOS + == со N5T gE X58 gE со — = Jw sg L Jw sp L = == > Ex > ESE + о © P| (TEx ISE > > 22 m AES LEC ANE LEC m a o |] OO so o 2mo о “2m Oo c — © E 252325 55325 P NS — 13922 [| Km ESD Km <> [| Чебов Ко себ Е Е — Ш о & = +58 € Е Е 1 5925 ABS I © 2 ~ К ао NOME x x Ne X a © ® 7 Е : = X o — o z (= HO LO = — / У = RN —— Л wl В = 22) = = - UY N LY, E UE o — == TM — 3 N - — YÜ_ INS — — © OS IN = — © \ = в = | 0] |} HS Q == = 7 ) ME, 9 = ® ] | yA — ‚ © wn | 7 E - — ELO SE Y } A 5562 0 A7 3 RE q— = € „== NET. = Е сео NA Eh y = E OS J) — — ; + NS 3 8 > GO . Dv oo © © № > Фо 9 w = — O +) Lo © à Jy Е - ~ 4 2220 NS = = = © Е = 5 E OLE LY] i = ШЕ & Dog NW DA & © LO JO M a » 2 N A x NEAT SV 5 A ZB o © = Е Е om LO € Sor S SA 6 > Tino N a J EP 2.6mm 22 7 Y — 1 Shock Absorber / StoBdampfer Amortisseur / Amortiguador 23 7 Y — I Shock Absorber / Stoßdämpfer Amortisseur / Amortiguador У мл NW Shock Oil Silikon-Oel Huile silicone Aceite amortiguadores # 450 X у, 4 7 Y N— I Shock Absorber / Stoßdämpfer Amortisseur / Amortiguador ст re ~ Nm GP > v—213 P21 (25) 13 < / For GP go to P21(25) EP > v—2(3 P33 IC < / For EP go to P33 22 [im ses 7 + c 2.6mm Farry hk Nut Mutter Ecrou ПМ Tuerca 2.6mm ol 2.6mm JYYRT— Washer Scheibe Rondelle Arandel Q | naaa 8 65Pa 07 O-ring O-Ring Joint thorique O Junta Tórica 8 M—JLIY EF Ball End Kugelpfanne Chape Rôtula 23 [im ETA С P18 07 O-ring O-Ring Joint thorique Junta Tórica () 54 EDZDCBUETANSZ, Fill until shock oil nearly overflows. Daempfer bis zum Rand befuellen Remplir jusqu'à la limite du débordement. Rellenar hasta el borde. () -т2*. хм. Then, gently move the piston up and down to get rid of air bubbles. Kolben auf und ab bewegen, bis keine Luftblasen mehr zu sehen sind Puis, actionner doucement le piston vers le bas et vers le haut afin d'éliminer les bulles d'airs. Mueva el pistôn hacia arriba y hacia abajo para eliminar las burbujas de aire. 24 [im ETA (927147 Et TÉDEANS.e Compress the spring and install 60. Drúcken Sie die Feder zusammen und schieben Sie (86) auf. Compresser le ressort pour monter (86). Comprima el muelle e instale 66. © эву Front Vorne Avant Delanteras Or Rear Hinten Arriere Traseras X1 7347 h / Main Shaft/Hauptwelle | Sa Bag GP1 + M8 Axe principal / Eje principal ©, 25x9.5mm Ey Pin Stift Axe 2.5x9.5mm Pasador O ees 1 ES EJ Y 7 E-ring E-Ring Clips Clip It |] / || / ` = ; = (we =D — O / / \ ; > O) Ve 3 / TAN \ Y | ° 7 S UM ) JL—+ Brake / Bremse 1 Bag GP1 + M8+B Frein / Freno 3x22mm RY VAVI IER Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR a téte ronde Button hex tornillo OOO === 2 3x 156mm RY VAY I IAER Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR a téte ronde Button hex tornillo 3mm 7 НУ У | Nylon Nut Kunststoffmutter Ecrou nylon Tuerca Nylon OF 4x8mm tyNER Set Screw Gewindestift Vis BTR 4x8mm 3mm Min Prisionero 4x8mm 4 E25 EJY7 E-ring E-Ring Clips 2/7 XT YY 7 E / Main Shaft / Hauptwelle Axe principal / Eje principal 7 D JL_E+7 XL AIXIL—_ENY ED A (Cc And, Insert the brake disc between the brake pads. Setzen Sie die Bremsscheibe zwischen den Backen ein. InsNirer le disque de frein entre les plaquettes. < Inserta el disco de freno entre las pastillas de freno. O 28 XA Y 47 - / Main Shaft / Hauptwelle Axe principal / Eje principal 5mm o (ZA | y AL NA Ms = y Y y 7 > PL. v = = NS LAN 2mm approx. 2mm ca. 2mm environ 2mm aprox. 2mm 0 | 10mm о A Bag GP1 + M8 + B 4 x 14mm SAV IIE RX F/H Hex Screw Inbus-Senkkopfschraube Vis BTR a téte fraisée F/H hex tornillo 4x16mm VZNYTIRER F/H Hex Screw Inbus-Senkkopfschraube Vis BTR a téte fraisée F/H hex tornillo mmm -————— 4x16mm RY VAY I AER Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR a téte ronde Button hex tornillo (63) 8 x 16 x 5mm R7 Y YT Ball Bearing Kugellager Roulements á billes Rodamiento 62 8x12x0.3mm 71 Shim Unterlegscheibe Rondelle de callage Arandela (5) Ps OU O-ring O-Ring I Joint thorique Junta Térica aaa 1 2.5 х 15.8тт EY Pin Stift Axe 2.5x15.8mm Pasador 5mm 772758 +102+y kh Flanged Nylon Nut Stoppmutter Ecrou Nylstop épaulé Tuerca nylon con collarin GD 5x 15mm 7y5+— Washer Scheibe Rondelle 5x15mm Arandela 5x15mm Inbus-Halbrundschraube Button Hex Screw Vis BTR a téte ronde Button hex tornillo 3x10mm RI ANY IT AER 4х 15тт Эм 7 АНЯ 29 [m СР? + В Inbus-Senkkopfschraube Vis BTR a téte fraisée F/H Hex Screw F/H hex tornillo 3x10mm XE y NJLH—\ / Throttle Control Servo / Gasservo Servo de gaz / Servo de Gas 2) 27 | “7 CNWZIS> SBN CH “NA 2 NO ANG À \ a 3 D 7 & € A И 7 A N AN NI USAT MM \ IMRT A rn АНУ СЛ, 7—7 Servo de gaz Servo de Gas oO © D wn © = с oO SS D ES O о с < FO 4x15mm (F/H) Inbus-Senkkopfschraube Vis BTR a téte fraisée F/H hex tornillo emm 7y7E7 F/H Hex Screw 3x10mm VZNYIRAER RI] so GP2+c cs a EC RESTE Эт Connect as per radio instruction Branchez selon la notice de la radio. Conecte siguiendo las instrucciones del manual del equipo de radio manual. SchlieBen Sie die Servos gemäB Passer le cable au travers Pasa el cable a través der Bedienungsanleitung Ihrer RC-Anlage an. 70D Pass the cord through. Kabel durchführen Karrosserieklammer ORII— Ein do Goupille Clip carroceria Hook Pin (My © 3x10mm XK 7A / Radio Box / RC Box Boîtier radio / Caja de radio А Де A > TI INT, e КУ O | AS » FI 7 emm УТ Antenna Tube Tube d’antenne Antennenrohr Tubo Antena 7 SH Receiver Empfanger Récepteur Receptor 21 ъ— => «… L290 @ QQ = 35 5 EE C00 O += += nes a mn Ко © DN © @ DS] N « De ss a S009 © ESEL не OO Od с RN Y ZN ESS A] TR AN © {> D Pre-assembled NIDAD TÍ o REL Y 7 | Fuel Tank Tank / Reservoir / Deposito < — © | © | So |! 3 8 < 58 1 В8 Рок 8$ + E Seo: 5% X SE: uv5BOZ: VESES VU = 202 og E K52 £ O Фо ФЕ! KN SELS | осо ESE: EL DOTES ©). DOTES | 2505 | 255 | 78988! (TITEL (Tige co Tomes: NSoms M5èmS р NIB! E25 | 552325 HPILL>L 4 ML Kassa | £ к ав Е > @ ка => а Е Е Е Е E E aml © > = © со © <<< A EN AN ~~ \ | J I \\ 79 \ T yr a — — | Gr | - = < RA z E QL) [PNR = o a E т \ Ne. > | = E x 0 Y JASN “re RS NS S À Lal > ) NI = | 3x15mm | y) A Y 3) ZUG | 32 LY [Engine Verbrennungsmotor / Moteur / Motor © УМУ м | Engine Unit Verbrennungsmotor Moteur Motor No36206 Зрс7 7 F71-Y-JL ZED EFT, To install the clutch shoe we recomend using No. 36206 Clutch Shoe Tool. 3x12mm 33 LY / Engine Verbrennungsmotor / Moteur / Motor Return Throttle I I I I I I I I I I I Spring | 7 3mm 3x10mm EATZIIYIVICEDLETYLDES, MOT MEL Edo Depending on the engine, it is required to add shims to adjust the fit. 3 x12mm Bag GP3 F—-N-ILYh Tapered Collet Konus CNtne d'embrayage Cono de embrague. 62) e y Fw bk Pilot Nut Schwungscheibenmutter Ecrou d'embrayage Tuerca de embrague. O 75777 .€51-i8D HL THAT Do Assemble the following parts with pulling the crankshaft. Diese Teile bei gezogener Kurbelwelle montieren. Assembler les piNhces suivantes sur le vilebrequin Monta las piezas siguientes sobre el ciguenal. Oy -4aD0-—/— dL wy bh * 1 4, Use@19) taper collet included in the kit. Verwenden Sie den im Baukasten enthaltenen Konus 219). Utiliser(£10) le c Ntne d'embrayage inclus dans le kit. ( Utiliza la pieza (18) Pinza conica incluida en el kit. O Mos 5 WoEn3. The short side of (must be in the groove of 20). Die kurze Seite von 20) muss in die Nut von : La partie courte de 02) doit Njtre dans fente de 6). El lado corto de la pieza 020 debe estar en la ranura de la 62): Bag GP3 MIYNYIRER Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR à tête ronde Button hex tornillo (femme ее 1 3x12mm Fv wv FER Cap Screw Inbusschraube Vis Tornillo allen 3x 10mm (6) 5 x 10 x4mm x7U 77 Ball Bearing Kugellager Roulements á billes Rodamiento 297 Washer Scheibe Rondelle 3mm ©) Arandela 3mm ee LL LL LL LL LL | 5x8x0.1mm 74 Shim Unterlegscheibe Rondelle de callage Arandela aaa 2 5 x 8 x O.Emm 74 Shim Unterlegscheibe Rondelle de callage Arandela aaa 2 34 LY [Engine — 8 ' Verbrennungsmotor / Moteur / Motor < LYVYTYEYTI— nf Engine Assembly Verbrennungsmotor Moteur Motor PT 4 | 5 [7 1) AS 6 | (© 7 NL ЛДМ D// NOS = A Oy) 4 UN LE oh Г Е SW HS N Al Z FE A x e \ нии | \ = | = a NRX Ll ss) S 17 : NS; 1, - i {1 : \ > N Zn ; N \ Г NND = y С o 1 i Vln J 6) LY / Engine Verbrennungsmotor / Moteur / Motor o ELA 1 ( VY \ DS 2 2 ES > <I Y 7) | SS 4 Cs 3x15mm Bag GP3 4x10mm RY AVI AER Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR a téte ronde Button hex tornillo OVE RPDF EEEDL ST EE dde Tighten the screws with one sheet of paper inserted between both gears. Legen Sie vor dem Festziehen der Schrauben ein Stúck Papier zwi-schen beide Zahnrader. Serrez les vis en insérant une feuille de papier entre les dents des pignons. Apriete los tornillos colocando un trozo de papel entre la corona y el piñon. EHC Bag M8 + В 3X15MMMFSYNYIRER Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR à tête ronde Button hex tornillo LM + АПУ HL YT—Z [Throttle Linkages D> RRIF 1 —7 7% 15mmic hy UTHER, Bag GP4 + B Gasgestänge / Tringlerie de gaz / Varillaje de gas Cut the fuel tube to a length of 15mm. в Schneiden Sie ein 15mm langes 3 x 6mm Коло 72 CA @7L—+0vk Stúck Treibstoffschlauch ab. bus Halbrundechraube Brake Rod / Bremsgestánge Couper la durite d'une longueur de 15mm. Vis BTR à tête ronde Tringlerie de frein / Varilla de freno Corta el tubo de combustible a una Button hex tornillo longitud de 15mm. C3 Qui LLLLLLLLLLL LL LL LL LL LL 000 030 3 x 20mm R97AY7AEZ Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR a téte ronde Button hex tornillo 3x3mm EY HEZ 15mm Set Screw @20 y bJLOyE Gewindestift Throttle Rod / Gasgestänge Vis BTR 3x3mm Tringlerie d'accélération / Varilla de Gas Prisionero 3x3mm 3mm НУР | Nylon Nut Kunststoffmutter Ecrou nylon Tuerca Nylon | Servo Horn Servohorn Palonnier de servo \ Horn servo 7, KO, MTY JR HITEC SANWA (AIRTRONICS), KO, JR J 0 160mm ZA N AOy NILUYT— HE | Throttle Linkage Adjustment Vergaseranlenkung / Réglages de la tringlerie de gaz / Ajuste varillaje gas < Eao—bN7)L> ET ZT ob ) < Neutral > 5 № OZ < Neutral > < Neutre > < Neutro > approx. 1.0mm / ca. 1.0mm environ 1.0mm / aprox. 1.0mm </W > < High > < Vollgas > < Plein gaz > < Máximo gas > Full Throttle / Vollgas Plein gaz / Gas Maximo <JL—% > < Brake > < Bremse > < Frein > < Freno > aprox. 1.0mm Ajuster l'ouverture du carburateur avec cette vis. Toujours laisser une ouverture de 1mm. Ajustar el carburador con este tornillo para que no cierre mâs de 1mm. ~ >> mm FICFACBWE SCARY NVANY TRAY 1 —THET 5, approx. 1.0mm Adjust the carburetor with this screw so it cannot close more ca. 1.0mm than 1mm. environ 1.0mm Vergaser so einstellen, dass ein 1mm Spalt offen bleibt 3x12mm 38 Хх 7 7— / Muffler / Resonanzrohr Echappement / Escape 0 | Bag GP5 3x12mm т У Ея Cap Screw Inbusschraube Vis Tornillo allen 39 H—J)L/X— / Roll Bar / Ueberrollbuegel Arceau de support de puce / Barra antivuelco == y С X 3x15mm << Me NU EX S À 7 DE о ZA PN 1 | = > 3 A es = D N NND « RUY A AN UN AM АЙ < EN ES ) CN ILS { (<2 N = AN Ее RS RX ( CT € 7 U я em, 4 NE NN AL) NOE — (| : RE] [0 вес м9 + с 4x 15mm H7AY7AEZ F/H Hex Screw Inbus-Senkkopfschraube Vis BTR a téte fraisée F/H hex tornillo 4x i8mm TY NY7AEA Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR a téte ronde Button hex tornillo 3x15mm RY Av I AER Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR a téte ronde Button hex tornillo t+ K7/X— / Side Cover / Seitenabdeckung Op Bag GPS V 4 Capot lateral / Cubierta lateral O, 3x6mm EY HEZ Set Screw Gewindestift Vis BTR 3x6mm Prisionero 3x6mm 4x4mm EY HEZ Set Screw Gewindestift Vis BTR 4x4mm Prisionero 4x4mm 41 [im E + 41 FF 3 —7 / Fuel Tube 0.0 Treibstoffschlauch / Durite / Tubo Combustible | [oi 4 ÓN 3x10mm MIYNYIRER Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR a téte ronde 3x15mm RIVA I AER Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR a téte ronde Button hex tornillo REF 1—7 cen se Fuel Tube Treibstoffschlauch Durite Tubo Combustible И NN» A o N A ) NE À : h < N — AN > 2 С Ue / q I | A QA NU Г LP > A (e © > N N CTA > A = = \ MMA 42 KAXIF 3 — 7 / Fuel Tube Treibstoffschlauch / Durite / Tubo Combustible @ #57 7 —7 DEN [E] L Arranging the fuel tube. Verlegung des Treibstoffschlauchs. Placer la durite comme indiquNi. Colocar el tubo de combustible. 43 IF—7)—#— / Air Cleaner Luftfilter / Filtre à air / Filtro de aire STRAP 3x10mm O SN a 96169 Air cleaner oil ТР) ЛОЛ. Soak with Air Cleaner Oil 2 N / AR, 1 Bag GP5 3x10mm HMVYNYTIKREÊR Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR à tête ronde 44 XT 7477 h 1 Main Shaft / Hauptwelle Dag Bag M8 + B Axe principal / Eje principal ®” 4 x 14mm SAV IIE RX F/H Hex Screw Inbus-Senkkopfschraube Vis BTR a téte fraisée F/H hex tornillo 4x 16mm HSAVI AER F/H Hex Screw Inbus-Senkkopfschraube Vis BTR a téte fraisée F/H hex tornillo Pare ' 4x 16mm HSYNYIREZR Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR a téte ronde Button hex tornillo (5) 8х 16 х 5тт AP UV Ball Bearing Kugellager Roulements a billes Rodamiento 4xt4mm (FH) ©) i nn 1 62) 8 x 12x 0.3mm YA Shim Unterlegscheibe Rondelle de callage 45 AXA > 2+ 7 / Мат Shaft / Hauptwelle — Z IB ==T1a Arola Axe principal / Eje principal SA LH SC 3 cAI] (6 EA) NBA (58 Pa 07 A À = 7 O-ring © /, = O-Ring AD R LAS 1 Joint thorique 7 / LD XX © ди zz | NE A Junta Térica YY Sf > Y TT | ME 1 2.5 x 15.8mm E Pin Stift Axe 2.5x15.8mm Pasador 5mm 7727 +102+y kh Flanged Nylon Nut Stoppmutter Ecrou Nylstop épaulé Tuerca nylon con collarin (1) 5 x 15mm ЛУ МР Washer Scheibe 2mm Rondelle 5x15mm approx. 2mm Arandela 5x15mm ca. 2mm environ 2mm aprox. 2mm 0 10mm 6 E—9—Y77 E / Motor Mount / Motorhalterung 0.0 НЗ Ея ВОЛ Support moteur / Montaje del motor ii Use the screw suitable for the motor (7 4 = AAN N AN sh ANA => |= > - - ео \ e. \ Wo Y \ À WV mn (AN X Wi \ \ \ | 47 E—9—Y77 h/ Motor Mount / Motorhalterung Support moteur / Montaje del motor 3x15mm Bag EP 4x4mm tv REX Set Screw Gewindestift Vis BTR 4x4mm MU Prisionero 4x4mm 1 4Ax6MM MSYNYTIRER Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR à tête ronde 4x8mm MSYNYTIRER Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR à tête ronde Button hex tornillo 4x16mm MSYNYIRER Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR à tête ronde Button hex tornillo (ME kinossmer<at HŒES 5. Tighten the screws with one sheet of paper inserted between both gears. Legen Sie vor dem Festziehen der Schrauben ein Stück Papier zwi-schen beide Zahnrader. Serrez les vis en insérant une feuille de papier entre les dents des pignons. Apriete los tornillos colocando un trozo de papel entre la corona y el pifion. G) Tommy NEREEET 3, Firmly tighten the set screws onto the flat spots. Ziehen Sie die Gewindestifte auf die ab-geflachten Flachen fest. Vissez les vis type BTR sur les méplats. Apriete los prisioneros firmemente en las partes planas del eje. 47 [im TRE 3 x 15mm Ry Av I AER Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR a téte ronde Button hex tornillo 3x10mm MSYNYIRKRER ИТ] Г] вес ЕР + С Button Hex Screw a 2 2 со 25% TS 3 vv >00 25 =] HEE © 5 < + ge weg c © O 552 SWE? Sw 7 ODE | | =x so + © — = Sao ax 72 Ф = O E © © + mn = © © к Хх К № о © ON LLI Е © D — nn = © 8 rc D © = © ей a © $8 Smog < Ко ос ОО JED g 2 25 № особо SH P М Е Е = DS 5 ©5008 | DEodOodO N OS + NO EI FOSO > EL Sa 5953330 NÉLSGO HOLTZ E В © TE © /Хм 57 О — KL — / Battery Tray / Akkuwanne Support Batterie / Bandeja de la bateria 3x10mm 3x10mm | a NN ) \ \ | À \ | 1 / Л y Y | Rar WN NE N | \ Y | à | y | | U > — vu ZA \ ZA Y \/ TRS E A R A VW Yo | oem mmm — mms mm mm ms mm mm om mm om a TN Ny 7 NY AU, 7 pa Al IS : À Л | - y Ved) O1 3 © Е Nara) fe | ОО ЛА + § 320 RE \ Е (an /} Vg |] | SE 15285 e e \ В STON NZ || | Es E Va À & ! 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Е WE A Na A ) A | Y > Е ся Е SO ES © NN UE GA D 28%: 2 502 TZ nn 92290 > eco | ео Зо ЕЁ ЕЁ ZZ Z EEE: ce ccec >= 7 QQ 22288 QEÉ ES Ш I a E2558 ~ SN EP H—J)L/X— / Roll Bar / Ueberrollbuegel Arceau de support de puce / Barra antivuelco 4 x15mm 4x18mm 4x18mm 3x15mm<_| ; | | ZÉ == DB === 72 NEE < > 3 Ae 0] Г] вес мо + с 4x 15mm H7AY7AEZ F/H Hex Screw Inbus-Senkkopfschraube Vis BTR a téte fraisée F/H hex tornillo 4x 18mm MY NYI7ALZ Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR a téte ronde Button hex tornillo 3x15mm RY Av I AER Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR a téte ronde Button hex tornillo 70> 4% >)X— / Front Shock / Vorderer Dampfer Amortisseur avant / Amortiguadores Delanteros JAY KT VIN— Front Shock Vorderer Dampfer Amortisseur avant Amortiguadores Delanteros N +74" > )X— / Rear Shock / Hintere Dämpfer Amortisseur arriere / Amortiguadores Traseros 4x25mm \ ОРЛ 2 Rear Shock US Hintere Dampfer A Amortisseur arriere = 6 E (LS Amortiguadores Traseros Za TL NES g —_ = Y, > N SN 4x18mm EN Bag M9 4x 25mm RY Nv I AERX Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR a téte ronde Button hex tornillo 4x 18mm 1977 NY7AEA Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR a téte ronde Button hex tornillo 4mm FAOV Fv hk Nylon Nut Kunststoffmutter Ecrou nylon Tuerca Nylon of. 1 Bag M9 4x25mm RY ANY I AER Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR a téte ronde Button hex tornillo 4x 18mm RYAN YIAER Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR a téte ronde Button hex tornillo 4mm +41 0d27+y kh Nylon Nut Kunststoffmutter Ecrou nylon Tuerca Nylon of. 7 [7] вес м10 + в + с «I Ql < N 1 1 Ф 1 o © 1 1 D Q a 5 NO K $ ' Do x 5 | + < со Xx Cc o | ks 5 So М) & © © % co J 20 = $ @ 2 = EOL | on е Е 1 L K =D c ! DO == 1 K =D = 1 _ о DE Xx © с 1 Oc © = D O = 1 o D = += 1 x NV 0 5H 82 1 DOSEO | DIJITDL Е Vu > X + ! cut 2 xXo — > as NES gx 2055 5 < Rs < Тс < CTS 2 <IIE< x 5 xy NE FEE ! TE NE FEE D 8 > 529408 | 5èm8 Ss ms Nes 8 A Y AES A ди = @ © 5 YRES A a P= m D) se=>0 та Е > а > @ = > @ Sx 925 H0 + Е Е Е ^` 8508 | > Е E 5 IX OO O S © o LO A x x x LO : = < = со DU H—JL/X— / Roll Bar / Ueberrollbuegel Arceau de support de puce / Barra antivuelco 4x16mm EP F4 / Body RF4 / Body Eb O =51114/0y7—75 © EN. AA TEPL2NEX>5, ВЕС <, Before painting, use a neutral detergent to remove any oil residues and dirt. Refer to the pictures on the box for the color scheme. Л E=— © Bits. RF REDRE Had To y— © = © D 35 EE o © Ta чн о Е = . re] — E о = = > 2 fl Oo wn E E Oo << oo ‚Е vs Nix 2 R&S | WE AR Oo NK 2 X v3 He (5 ki a O the inside using Kyosho's spray colors. NVMIVL NI LNIHd OHSOAXM TXX NOIdHO9S VCOLOXS 21605 ¡THE FINESTIRADIO!/CONTRO MODELS NNWN. ÆHOSHO.COM NAL e; eE Un SANE CONTROÉMODELS EP GP + 58 174 / Body Shell / Karrosserie Carrosserie / Carrocería | I I | I I | 4x18mm | I | I I | I 2.6x6mm 4x13mm 59 RF / Body Shell / Karrosserie Carrosserie / Carroceria 3x10mm 3x10mm 75] Г] вес м10 + В + с 2.6 хбтт EX | ОО Screw LK Schraube Vis 2.6x6mm Tornillo 2.6x6mm 4x13MM MS YNYIRER Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR à tête ronde Button hex tornillo 4x 18mm MSYNYVIRERA Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR a téte ronde Button hex tornillo | Bag M10 + C 3x10Mm MSYNYVIRER Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR à tête ronde Button hex tornillo "NT 4 / Body Shell / Karrosserie Carrosserie / Carrocería 2.6x6mm N D 1773 NN— 7D 717 TY, Optional wing can be installed. Tuning-Spoiler kann montiert werden Aileron proposé en option (non inclus) Se puede instalar un ala opcional O IF401KG 741 77 (EX7)—-/MP9) Wing (Fluorescent Green / MP9) O IF401KO 74177 (EX L73/MP9) Wing (Fluorescent Orange / MP9) O IF401KY 74177 (EX TO—/MP9) Wing (Fluorescent Yellow / MP9) O IF401W 7177 (741 N/MP9) Wing (White / MP9) № © 000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000° 6mm == | чи. == = = re Omm ZÉ UL \ > x NN NE, 1 AN Ae И N L y = 4x25mm MO Bag M10 4 x 25mm RY INV IT АНЯ Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR a téte ronde Button hex tornillo 4mm 4 НУ У Nylon Nut Kunststoffmutter Ecrou nylon Tuerca Nylon of. 6mm 74v7EY Hook Pin Karrosserieklammer Goupille Clip carroceria Fler 2.6 x EMM TRY YN YZ7AEZ Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR a téte ronde Button hex tornillo MIYNYIRER Button Hex Screw Inbus-Halbrundschraube Vis BTR à tête ronde Button hex tornillo (For Optional Wing Installation) O 91718. Included with wing. Beim Spoiler enthalten Livré avec aileron Incluido con el ala G) EOh1:74yH432, Cut center rib on the underside. Steg ausschneiden auf der Unterseite Coupez la cóte de centre sur le dessous. Cortar el segmento central en la parte inferior 71 YET —)JL / Tire a Wheels / Reifen & Felgen Jantes et pneus / Neumáticos y Llantas <J7> < Rear > < Hinten > < Arriere > < Traseras > < 7VOYb> < Front > < Vorne > < Avant > < Delanteras > 62 7 / Воду Shell / Karrosserie Carrosserie / Carrocería < Rear > < Hinten > < Arrière > < Traseras < Front > < Vorne > < Avant > < Delanteras > (M HARRU RIITIEBUTIATN NAN So Glue the shaded portion by rubber cement, then insert into the tire. Mit Gummi-Kleber verkleben Appliquer un peu de colle sur la partie grisée, puis l'inséer dans le pneu. Aplique cola de contacto. © yrreFomax. BEELER ZHU DDR L CH FEES @ а Но Apply instant glue little by little in the order. Reifen mit Sekundenkleber auf der Felge verkleben. Appliquer de la colle cyanoacrylate par petites gouttes successives. Aplique unas gotas de cianocrilato en el borde de la llanta tal y como indica el dibujo. Bag M10 M1 —L+y h Wheel Nut Radmutter Ecrou de roue Tuerca rueda O)everonenmeieats A notched field is an inner side. gekerbtes Feld ist eine innere Seite. Agr vo gros Un campo entallado es un lado interno. BELDHD;FEEEIE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS RY GER Xa OF: TA BU XG r=] A Please read carefully before assembling and operating your model. EY —7 - EMP ACE RIM ENKELS STRERED A SERERLTÁJo WARNING! : This symbol indicates where caution is essential to avoid injury to yourself or others. REY —7 : EMPREDRE 73570, PY TEWWIZNTZLZRUEJ, PROHIBITED : This symbol points out actions that you should NOT do to avoid possible damage or accidents. O - Dimld, AMEN ERERMORE TÍ, MATO DTEA|! This product is a fully functional radio control model. It is not a toy! ФФ СОН Жо ООС. ОТО С, EITROAVYTF VR, AT a VRB EEE IBWET, To enjoy this model to its fullest, complete assembly properly, perform maintenance and add optional upgrades as desired. OT AVRZEHRPAEXDOEREE. ENTEROS ЛЕ ВВ, FEBPCA (BFR) MENO TFIRÉNED A 1D +. Improper usage of Alkaline cells or rechargeable batteries may damage the electronics of the car and/or the radio. COMERME DIC TEDTEZ, BITBTFHLESW, In order to operate the model safely, adhere to following instructions: Na "CORRES CEM PANICEREBENKES SUMEN SDIERENL EZ, Warning ! *Here are some possibilities of significant damage to life and/or body, if the following explanations are not adhered to: it PROHIBITED В> Ну С marcos tA FEE WV, Fe, HII TICAE РЕН ЭНЕН ОС С), пл Же В < Моб МЕ КОХ ЛВ ТЕН МС < НЕРЖ E OREIRO Edo EE, Never disassemble or install batteries with the polarity reversed. Before you begin, read the manual thoroughly. First time builders should It's hazardous and will cause damage to the batteries and/or electronics. seek advice from modelers who have experience in assembling models. IE PROHIBITED D> INS7ERAAP, EDEMA EFIODT, +MEmLT<ZE Lo E. NEREFROUNSE TOMÉ - REENT<E EL This product includes many small, sharp objects, so it should be kept out of the reach of children. TN PROHIBITED D> Л НЛО ЕЛЕ ОБА ED T<n SEI HO-JIDTERLZD, EEPEZOREIT IRD. Always check the radio batteries! With weak dry batteries, transmission and reception of the radio fall off. Models may become out of control under such condition, which may cause serious accidents. ВЕ КО ВОВ. 1. EXXON, AHI Eo 2. EN, EEWNETZ, 1. in residential districts and parks! 2. indoors and in limited space! =i PROHIBITED В 8 - Лео. ДОН < СВЕ КСК а, EMRORRERD ET, Do not operate in crowded places, near children or pets, or on public streets - it may cause serious injury. Rik PROHIBITED р ОБЕ ВОО. IT <ÓCAENTEPILLTRNZ E NT<ES ho RATIADEEEfTE DE. BONE PENORACEND ET, When the model is behaving strangely . .! Immediately stop the model and check the reason. Do not operate the model until the problem is solved. This may lead to further trouble and unforeseen accidents! IE PROHIBITED MANCTHZSEBRRAICBED ET, EL, MEcOLED, MADAKBICIO Eo Operate your model ONLY on designated areas, race tracks and other spacious areas. Do NOT operate it: * Non-observance of the above may be cause for personal injuries and property damages. E / Exploded View / Explosionszeichnung / Eclaté / Despiece RT « / Body Shell / Karrosserie Carrosserie / Carroceria Cp E (7) SXB101 SXB102 4-7 (76) SX049 2.6xómm x10mm 77 / Differential / Gear Differential Y Y 1N— / Shock Absorber / StoBdampfer Différentiel / Diferencial Amortisseur / Amortiguador 7 / e (95) © < RG04 © GO | SX021 88 | SX021 | GS R 6) æ ® 8 | ORG04 SX039 | | = I | | @)sSx037 SX037 SX021 | &— 26mm <> | SX021 SX021 | © — 2.6mm SX021 — — SX021 @ BRG005 Сф——-19 707 - / Front / Vorne / 4x20mm Avant / Delantera <7AYkH(1)> A < Front (1) > < Vorne (1) > < Avant (1) > < Delantero (1) > — ~ NX - 17” 9-1 da 0) SX018 SX018 ~ 3x6mm / к =>— {0} 5хо18 an N == y = SX050 N OB D—B9 sx021 (78) -g 7 mM / SX012 BRG005 ®— 4x8mm - < 7 НУ | (2) > 3x15mm < Front (2) > | < Vorne (2) > | Y —(BRG002 С | : Den © (@ BRG001 63 sxos2 в E 5006 < Delantero (> Ne Soc sx020 € - * 5 @sxo14—# 3mm ! | |: @—@5x014 I = | EZ 5 (1sxos5 UY / Rear / Hinten / Arriere / Trasera <TIFY > < Difrerential > < Gear Differential > < Différentiel > < Diferencial > — — FT U (39) SX022 609 SXHOO2W 06 SX013 O 55H] / EXPLODED VIEW / EXPLOSIONSZEICHNUNG VUE ECLATEE / DESPIECE <RF4 > Xx —E— Y IRE L TUVILVI DIED ES, © Note that some parts are not sold as spare parts! al Einige Teile sind nicht einzeln erhaeltlich!. Attention ! Certaines pièces ne sont pas vendues au détail. Algunas piezas no se venden por separado. <#H—H > < Servo > < Servo > < Servo > < Servo > OM 27sxo14 | Dsxoso oo © SX050 —® © < 707 H9NÑ—> N < Front Shock > < Vorderer Dämpfer > N < Amortisseur avant > ` < Amortiguadores Delanteros > < 707 H(1)> < Front (1) > < Vorderer (1) > < Amortisseur (1) > < Amortiguadores (1) > < Body Shell > < Karrosserie > < Carrosserie > < Carrocería > ) С NA) (@ == 2 < УМУ > < Engine > < Verbrennungsmotor > < Moteur > SXB103 <E7 7 > < Fuel Tank > < Tank > < Réservoir > < Deposito > <AARYIRX > < Radio Box > < RC Box > < Boitier radio > < Caja de radio > ®@—(5) oRGo8BK | N УЛ EN e ON y N —_— aA (o \ Q = NS 2) Vs в a = к y Ÿ Ne ; =) | Se) a > = \ à N = 77) (® ANNE 24 XS AU - Aa E =~ SPST ZZ NY - LG NI = > | ib - Y = Y << - - N <7OYh(2)> | NE SD АК) | ` Nr MEN RS < Front (2) > == = - < Vorderer (2) > < Amortisseur (2) > < Amortiguadores (2) > > INNA a 0 w He 4 S al - NS AS O» UFO AS № (on 0 | L < IU YIN—> | EV as 1 ws € S Es ' | < Rear Shock > em EA ' < Hintere Dämpfer > CO TE TECOS < Amortisseur arriére > | < Amortiguadores Traseros > <J7> < Rear > < Hintere > < Amortisseur > < Amortiguadores > O Copyright 2012 KYOSHO CORPORATION / ATI 7/2 Scorpion XXL tH —7R / Servo / Servo = Servo / Servo 3x3mm Lo SX055 3x20mm BRELZ 27 | Fuel Tank / Tank XHRY7A / Radio Box / RC Box Réservoir / Deposito Boîtier radio / Caja de radio 3x10mm(F/H) AU A 3x10mm(F/H) = Na & \ N < AN >< (01) SX052 (00 ту МУ | Engine / Verbrennungsmotor / Moteur / Motor BRG001 SX117 3x12mm _ _ | _ um 97045 3x12mm O 5) EE / EXPLODED VIEW / EXPLOSIONSZEICHNUNG VUE ECLATEE / DESPIECE X—ER/— Y REL TUE DIED EJ, Note that some parts are not sold as spare parts! 1708 Einige Teile sind nicht einzeln erhaeltlich!. Attention ! Certaines piéces ne sont pas vendues au détail. Algunas piezas no se venden por separado. < m7 > < Body Shell > < Karrosserie > < Carrosserie > < Carroceria > 129 SX056 @) @ @sxos1 @DSX014 _@ Msxoso E - > \ \ (7) SXB001 SXB002 SXB003 <TD > < Differential > < Gear Differential > < Differentiel > < Diferencial > <TOYNSYNR— > < Front Shock > < Vorderer Dämpfer > < Amortisseur avant > < Amortiguadores Delanteros > <UTTUN > < Rear Shock > < Hintere Dämpfer > < Amortisseur arrière > < Amortiguadores Traseros > (5) BRG002 SX006 SX006 ® EE e \ E) (5) BRG001 > sxo20 © yg) \ N = N € , @--3 ) NN 9 — - ) > = — В [= @4) SX011 —--0 | A | \ DN NOS N _ ón > > SX021 _- - `‘% Q4SX011 © (0) SXT004 60) SXT003 (09 sXH001W ©— 4 4 Q—®sxo13 ©» (26)SX013 O Copyright 2012 KYOSHO CORPORATION / 2A£NTERE 12 € Scorpion XXL VE IN—Y Part Names E—9—YIYH ANT IN=Y) AZ (*—No. & AX) Quantity y GE 6279) SPARE PARTS % FOR JAPANESE MARKET ONLY. SX001 | Motor Mount X 1 2100 Sx002| Battery Form? DES 315 sx0o3| EA 14T @x1 1260 SX004 aca Mo " Dx 1680 SX006| Gove emer Sot E 1890 SX007| Sipper Clutch Spring | O 945 SX008 Slipor Guión Plate est @@ x 1 1470 сходе] НР ана PT x 1050 SX010| Front Kmuchle Bush ~~ |@x4 945 sx011| Pon Wed Hubs Sha ~~ | ®x4 735 sxo12| A 7 Bx4 1365 SX013 o E @)x 4 945 SX014 cena SER Gra 1575 SX015| Froni Knuckle Pilow Bal | @*2 1260 sxo16| 7 NOR @x6 2205 SXO17| Front Lower Arm Sha | Dx? 1260 SX018| Front Upper Arm Pilow Bal | D'Ox2 1155 SX019 Upper Ar Pio A V |@x6 Dx4 2520 Sx020| Saering Plate Bush 7 | 9x2 735 sxo21| 537227} 4200 Shock Set 62 63 0x4 69)x5 x 8 SX021 | Y37777N (2pcs/SX021/2+t 77 XXL) 1155 -01 Shock Shaft (2pcs/SX021/Scorpion XXL) SX025| Pan stat 11 X 1 1785 SX026| Shipper Cluter Plate Adapter | @X 893 SX027 Ко pel] x 1 1260 SX028 KATZE TAT X 1 1155 SX029 a 6 A 271 @x 1 945 sxoso| 7, E ® @х1 @х4 315 SX031 | Washer Set 5 exómm Washer X8| 315 5x15mm 7 y 747 — 5x15mm Washer * 1 8x1b5mm 7 y YY — 8x15mm Washer * 3 12x18mm 7 y 77— 12x18mm Washer X 2 SX032 Soong A @x1 840 SX033 TTY X 1 9975 $X034 | Front Upper Am Plate | Ox2 788 sx035|7 A7 74 x1 630 SX036| Slipper Clutoh Ling | x2 840 SX037 Et > x2 @®x4 | 2100 SX038| Di ji ТУЬ х2 1260 sx039 | pif ae de 1 x1 ®@ x2 893 NE NA (4—No.C ABD) | XEM Part Names Quantity 6:79 sxo10| A re 7h x 1 735 SX041 Fron Lower Arm Set | 991 1155 sx0428| go HT FD x2 @x4 1155 SX043| PO х2 840 sx044| AN 7A @@ x1 1575 SX045 gry Jk A O 6x1 1575 sx046| TY 7b x 2 840 I era O | SX048 Rol Cage IN ev kA DDD x1 2100 SX049 hol Gao € vhB DDB @x1 ®x4| 1995 sx051| go HL) Cage > x 1 1365 SX052| Recover Box del. |OOTWGx! | 1050 SX053| gro ara 5 TE DOOMGGEGx1| 1470 SX054| Fear Lower Arm Mount Set | © ® @® @х1 Grz| 1050 SX055 mt > DOG @x1| 1050 (5х 2 SX056 Front Knuckle Arm ser Le Dr > 1050 SX057| Shock Tower Set. |®@®x1 2100 SX059 | Buttery Plato Ser | Dx? Ora 1995 SX060 | Pris pu Ь ODD x 1 735 | Aluminum Sanv om ST scorion OÙ | BD 1 1260 o Aaa O [an 0 sx103| Guren noe CAD @x3 893 | Goi ara я SX105 Pa nee OO XD (D € x 1 1365 a e [ax = SX107 múñtier Sel 0 BOE! 1785 sx108| os x 1 1470 SX109| Brake Pad OX ®@x2 840 SX110| Brake Déc PAU 1 | ODO x1 Eemng”!| 689 SX111 JLT Fo O O O x1 630 SX112 wa 227 A a x 1 2100 SX113 Crass oat ÉS @x1 OE x2 578 sx114| Engine Cut Of Switch (XL) | D@x" 420 SX115| Gunton Boots (XXL) @ x 105 SX116| Bampor Spring So (XXL | @® x4 2100 XI ares) O | BOGGOx! | 788 sx118| =771197-2177 (XXL) Dx 120 Air Filter Sponge (XXL) ANT IN— SPARE PARTS % FOR JAPANESE MARKET ONLY. IN—V = ANA (F—No.&E AK) [KE ACE AA (F—No.&E AK) | * Part Names Quantity Cr Part Names Quantity 6:79) SXB101 So ad Mio N 3675 | |ORGO4 e x 10 210 SXB102| Body Set (XXL. T2 Black 3675 | | ORG06 | Siicone O-Rina(PEOrEnge 3Pes | © 15 420 SXD101 ZA XXL) 1575 ORCOS rn PO @ x 10 420 SHOW Zr Wheel MERA 1260 | [oRGI8] Siicone O-ûng (P18) |83 315 SXH002W ee Bo on > pes. 1260 36105 or a Pipe 3 pes. 263 SXTO03| ah Gp Front Tire apcsscapon XXL) | @ Bx 2 3675 | [02515] Múmer Joining Pipe |@®x2 1050 SxTODA | от бло Неа те (2pesScormion XXL) Y E * 2 3885 | | 92638 [Snap Pin(1OPos) 10 pos. 210 SXB103 o x) MX 1890 | | 96643 (Somm Sim Set 47 SXWODA| Aer Ural Surg Sat брбоирсп | © * 2 2040 | | 7045] Casi for Manifold 1260 O a pr Gere 60 Gn 1 1995 | eB CRW KBD ET, BRG0O! | Shield Béarrg (6x10x4) Apes | © * 4 1050 | Not that some parts ar not 50d oe spare pas! BRG002 8 nield Bear A does ® x4 1050 Attention ! Certaines pieces no som pas vendues au détail. BRCOOS у лк 7 7 7 x I 65) 20: : 6 хо 683 Algunas piezas no se venden por separado. BRG006 У—Л КОР!) У (6x12x4) 2pcs @x2 1050 Shield Bearing (6x12x4) 2pcs AE Part Names WAAAY AE Description YE iff 679729) OPTION PARTS AE Part Names % FOR JAPANESE MARKET ONLY. NÉ xl GE) Description No 1 —YZ ES * E40 AE 70/N077-Ltyh (7 1-/71E 747 XXL) 713707h39797-(79-E17X)| TA SX041BL Front Lower Arm Set (Blue/Scorpion XXL) 1155 SXW005 Aluminum Front Shock Tower (Scorpion XXL) [ 1 pcs. 2940 HNA-Neyh (41€ 47 XXL) 7NZI739797-(79-E472 XX) | TA SX053BL Side Guard Set (Blue/Scorpion XXL) 1470 SXW006 | Aluminum Rear Shock Tower (Scorpion XXL) | 1 pcs. 3990 SXHO01 | 707 Ni) (777770-/20c9/22-E47X)| 24 71370 NX 7 (72-E47 XX) | TA BC |Front Wheel (Black Chrome/2pcs/Scorpion XXL) | 2 pes 1575 SXW007 | Aluminum Front Hub Carrier (Scorpion XXL) | 1 pcs. 2730 SXH001 | 78YMN-I (7797 [20cs/A3-EAY XXL | 2A 71 h1=Y NAI-E747 XXI) BK |Front Wheel (Black2pcs/Scorpion XXL) | 2 pes 1260 | |SXW008! ight Unit (Scorpion XXL) 5040 SXH001 |707NM-1 (71-/2pcs/71-E747 XXL) | 24 1260 SXWo09 PWERA—WNTEYH (AI-EAY XXL) 2520 BL |Front Wheel (Blue/2pcs/Scorpion XXL) | 2 pcs Aluminum Wheel Hub Set (Scorpion XXL) SXH001 | 707 NK1-Jb (310/€-/2pcs/43-E7477 XX) | 24 1575 SXWO10 7133737 (Ly N/4pcs/A2—E47 ХХ | АЛ 10290 S |Front Wheel (Silver/2pcs/Scorpion XXL) | 2 pcs Aluminum Shock Set (Red/4pcs/Scorpion XXL) | 4 pcs. SXH002 |UYi4=) (77770-L/2pcs/4-247 XK) | 2A 1785 SXWo10|33y77777€y | (2pcs/72-E77 XXL) | 24 945 BC (Rear Wheel (Black Chrome2pcs/Scorpion XXL) | 2 pcs -01 [Shock Spring Set (2pcs/Scorpion XXL) | 2 pcs. SXH002 | /771-1b (7777 /200s/43-E477 XXI) | 24 1260 SXWO010|Y377Y7h (20cs/SXWO10/71-£77 XXL) 1260 BK [Rear Wheel (Black/2pcs/Scorpion XXL) | 2 pcs -02 | Shock Shaft (2pcs/SXW010/Scorpion XXL) SXH002 | UY (71-/2pcs/a+E17 XXL) | 24. 1260 SXW010|X77777+yh (SWO10/71-£77 XXL) 2415 BL (Rear Wheel (Blue/2pcs/Scorpion XXL) | 2 pcs -03 | Shock Shaft (2pcs/SXW010/Scorpion XXL) SXH002 | URAL (V)VIN-/2pcs/A-EAY XXL) | 2A 1785 SXWO11 PWI74Y7AT-EY hAI-E47 XI) 3990 S |Rear Wheel (Silver/2pcs/Scorpion XXL) | 2 pcs Aluminum Wing Stay Set (Scorpion XXL) 70d hH91Y 2A CYF—N N=RXL YY Y= (1075/A3—-EAY XX) SXT001| Front Tire 2 pcs. with Inner 3360 SXWo12 Hard Main Chassis (Scorpion XXL) 12600 17V 2A YF AF-NAINN FPE | 63T (AI-EZY XL) | TA SXT002| Rear Tire 2 pcs. with Inner 3675 SXWO13 Steel Spur Gear Set 63T(Scorpion XXL)| 1 pcs. 1995 AAN TU -109- (11-247 XXLVB)| TA AJ-E47 XL 51-72 8941 LY8—ty h SXW001 Carbon Battery Holder(Scorpion XXL VE)| 1 pcs 4725 SXW101 Scorpion XXL Tuned Muffler Set 10290 A-AY707N7-7-470-MAI1-247 1) | TA KS-203 $ —7h SXWO02! Carbon F-Upper Arm Plate (Scorpion XXL) | 1 pes 1050 82270 | Ks-203 Servo 6300 2-7 ESC MLA (RD—EAY XXLVE) | TA SXW003| carbon ESC Tray(Scorpion XXL VE) | 1 pes 2730 % FOR JAPANESE MARKET ONLY. NA WE ff Part Names SPHFAIIVYV—RY— Description NZ 40777 NAN (ER 6279) Part Names KRFAFY ARI ART 40 9-(ARD-6) Description АНУ А 6279) Maintenance Stand Type Low (Red) For 1/12-1/8 size. 36219 | SP Knife Edge Reamer Tool for making holes on bodies. 1890 36261 | KRF Stainless Polycarbonate Body Scissors (Straight)| For straight cut. 525 SPHT7IY II -77A | RF1 OVI NERF CEA] KRFAT YL ARY ARTA hy 5—(h—7) | h—T hv hE 36219P SP Knife Edge Reamer Plus | Tool for making holes on bodies. 2100 36262 KRF Stainless Polycarbonate Body Scissors (Curve)| For curve cut. 525 36228 | X77I2797R 0-947(777)| 1/12-1/841 Z+ TN 1680 36206 3pc77yF71-Y-IL 505 BK | Maintenance Stand Type Low (Black)| For 1/12~1/8 size. 3pc Clutch Shoe Tool 36228 | X77+7249K 0-947(L9N)| 1/12-1/85 7 XE TX | 1690 R = 01th OTH = RS % FOR JAPANESE MARKET ONLY. NE NE * EA T NE NA E ii Part Names Description (A) : Part Names Description 677579 Big K EY HZ Y HE MOT | #12 / 400x600mm, 3mm E FILET—7 (40x2500MM) | À7 1 OEE, BRAT —7 80821 Big K Pit Mat M size Size / 400x600mm, 3mm thick 1890 961658 | Aluminum Tape (40x2500mm) | Tape to repair/reinforce body 473 Big K EY EZ Y EH LOT | 447 / 600x1000mm, 4mm E 80822 | Big K Pit Mat L size Size / 600x1000mm, 4mm thick| 3990 т 7 и A N > 4 BOX * BAG % FOR JAPANESE MARKET ONLY. NE NE KE T NE NA Ye 7E iff Part Names Description 679 Part Names Description 6:79) Ey hh 7 (DX) 4 X / 542x300x397mm N— YY 7 X (SS) 41% / 89x36x26mm 3AD 80460 | pit Box (DX) Size / 542x300x397mm 16800 80466 Parts Box (SS) Size / 89x36x26mm 3pcs 420 Ev hyo TENIA 420x240x330mm PZA IAS) #1 2 / 250x410x360mm 80461 | pit Box Good for storing tools 420x240x330mm 7140 87613 Carrying Bag (S) Size / 250x410x360mm 5250 Y-ILRY IA #4 Z / 330x230x65mm 3% 1) УТКУ 7 (М) (1/10 А) | #1 Z / 300x500x450mm 80462 | Tool Box Size / 330x230x65mm 1890 87614 Carrying Bag (M) (For 1/10) | Size / 300x500x450mm 7350 J—YHy 7 A(L) YA Z / 410x264x43mm #rUY71%y7(L) (1/8 Æ) | X / 350x550x540mm 80463 | parts Box (L) Size / 410x264x43mm 1890 87615 Carrying Bag (L) (For 1/8) | Size / 350x550x540mm 8400 IN—=Y Ry 7 A (M) #4 Z / 232x122x32mm FHrUYTNyYT(SS) |#1Z / 290x330x130mMm 80464 Parts Box (M) Size / 232x122x32mm 578 87616 Carrying Bag (SS) Size / 290x330x130mm 3675 80465 | ST? 7 AS) #4 Z / 120x83x25mm 158 87823 | KYOSHO ZO7KY97 | #42 /340x240x160mMM | 3450 Parts Box (S) Size / 120x83x25mm KYOSHO PROPO Bag Size / 340x240x160mm 7 1 y DIR % FOR JAPANESE MARKET ONLY. NE NE Fall IZ NE XEñ IZ SI al Part Names Description | ($t:1) Part Names Description | ($64) Part Names Description | (#54) SIL | 71741 JL4100 (40cc) | > SIL | 21741 JL700 (40cc) | - SIL | 717741 JU7000 (40cc) | > 0100] Silicone Oil #100 (40cc) 0700] Silicone Oil #700 (40cc) 7000] Silicone Oil #7000 (40cc) SIL | 271741 JL+150 (40cc) SIL | 71771 JU4800 (40cc) | | 77—H £630 SIL | 7177441 JL4*10000 (40cc) 0150| Silicone Oil #150 (40cc) 0800| Silicone Oil #800 (40cc) for shocks. 10000( Silicone Oil #10000 (40cc) SIL | 79741 JU£200 (40cc) SIL | 71741 JL4900 (40cc) | | (40cc) SIL | 1744 JL420000 (40cc) 0200| Silicone Oil #200 (40cc) 0900 | Silicone Oil #900 (40cc) — | - 20000] Silicone Oil #20000 (40cc) SIL | 771741 JL*250 (40cc) SIL | YVIOYAA)L#1000 (40cc) | > SIL | 71771 JUX30000 (40cc) 0250| Silicone Oil #250 (40cc) 1000] Silicone Oil #1000 (40cc) 30000] Silicone Oil #30000 (40cc) SIL | 771741 JU4300 (40cc) SIL | 717741 JL41100 (40cc) SIL | 717711 JL440000 (40cc) | | 77 £630 0300 | Silicone Oil #300 (40cc) 1100| Silicone Oil #1100 (40cc) 40000] Silicone Oil #40000 (40cc)| | for diffs. SIL | 79744 )L4350 (40cc) SIL | 717741 JL41200 (40cc) SIL | VVIY#AJL#50000 (40cc) | | (4000) 0350| Silicone Oil #350 (40cc) Y y N—H £630 1200] Silicone Oil #1200 (40cc) 50000] Silicone Oil #50000 (40cc) SIL | 771741 JL+400 (40cc) | | for shocks. SIL | 217741 JU41300 (40cc) SIL | 771771 JL#60000 (40cc) 0400 | Silicone Oil 4400 (40cc) (40cc) 1300| Silicone Oil #1300 (40cc) 60000| Silicone Oil #60000 (40cc) SIL | 71741 )L4450 (40cc) SIL | 71771 JL42000 (40cc) | | 77 Zego| | SIE 217/41 JU480000 (40cc) 0450| Silicone Oil #450 (40cc) 2000| Silicone Oil #2000 (40cc) for diffs. 80000| Silicone Oil #80000 (40cc) SIL | 719741 JL£500 (40cc) SIL | 72741 JL43000 (40cc) | | (400) SIL | 7177441 JLi100000 (40cc) 0500] Silicone Qil #500 (40cc) 3000] Silicone Qil #3000 (40cc) 100000 Silicone Oil #100000 (40cc)| SIL | 71741 JL4550 (40cc) SIL | 711741 JL44000 (40cc) SIL | 717741 JU4200000 (40cc) | Y 0550] Silicone Oil #550 (40cc) 4000 | Silicone Oil #4000 (40cc) 200000] Silicone Oil #200000 (40cc)| | _, SIL | YUIYAA)L#600 (40cc) SIL | 2717741 )U45000 (40cc) SIL | 717741 JU4300000 (40cc) a 7 £1365 0600| Silicone Oil #600 (40cc) 5000 | Silicone Oil #5000 (40cc) 300000] Silicone Oil #300000 (40cc) (4000) SIL | 71741 JL4650 (40cc) SIL | 711771 )L+6000 (40cc) SIL | 71771 JU4500000 (40cc) 0650| Silicone Oil #650 (40cc) |- 6000 | Silicone Oil #6000 (40cc) |- 500000] Silicone Oil #500000 (40cc)| _ T= Al ° AT) CHEMICAL - OIL % FOR JAPANESE MARKET ONLY. IZ NA * Ei T AE NA ЖЕН Part Names Description 6:79) Part Names Description (Fad) ORI41702 TA-LAUAYE—5I—I0—H— | ZONE E LICHSE 893 96180 Y17007 7LI39417-— | X7 Y Y 7NEBRI (7.4cc) 3150 Motor Cleaning Spray Cleaner spray of car. Microlon Precision Oiler Great fuel bearings (7.4cc) KYOSHO ZN 4707 0— (149) | iZ НСМ ат У 7 ОХ Мах У ЖА ИХ 96154 | KYOSHO Special Glue (149) | Instant Glue 735 96508 | HG Joint Grease Grease for joint part. 840 Ov 754 ~ (PRE) FI Dp % HEHEHE (10cc) SPR7 IZ TIEYR RF VIERA ERIE 96178 | Loctite (medium strength) Stops loosing screw (10cc) 1260 96625 | sp Bearing Liquid Retrieves potentiality of Bearing. 1050 96179 | BY 751 (БЕ) AID SAL (10c0) | 1060 Loctite (stronge strength) Stops loosing screw (10cc) 7 ANI PAE E del UN Screw, Nut, Ring, Washer (1) % FOR JAPANESE MARKET ONLY. mf DE AT RE | am У о] ma AR gti | Parts Names TENT [E73] No. Parts Names Quantity| (552) : Parts Names Quantity (#232) C Ring В luminiem Flanged Non Nut (hmmm oe Screw C11 | Ring(0110po8) 10pos| 210 | sr] ls) aged Non umi ul] “PS | 915) -|+St2005H| Bunon sereno 646 0po) [10995] 420 © ЗЧ HOT a) Figen mica | «се | 918 | ['-S13008H Burton Serew(Hex/M@x60pesy [1095] 915 1-E015 | E Angle 5710000) 10pcs 158 | - [HWOISA] Nora) Fargo on umi cup) | “PCS | 315 | |1-518008H) Burton Screw(Hex/M@xS0es) | 005] 315 1-E020 | E Angle 2.0/10p00) 10pos| 158 | | DEFI] Narco) Fandom miento) | “PCS | 915) - |+St0010H Bunon seronttexMaxion Opos) |*07ee) 315 1-E025 | E Ang(k2.5/0p0e) fopos| 158 | | (Umm ire Sera 15190124] Buton Screm(HeuMax12/i0pes) | 0005] 315 1-E030 E NES ones 10pcs| 158 | | 1-S02604 oe Sooo aM Once) 10pcs| 210| |1-S13015H on a STO 10pes| 315 1-E040 Ren ropes) 10pes| 158 | | 1-S02606 ere E One 10pcs| 210 | |1-513018H En GAME NZ AAN 10pcs| 315 E050 | £ Aing(E5.0/10pe9) 10pos 158 | | 1-502608 | Bt Coron oxbriopes) |10P0S| 210 | |+St0025| Burn SerowirledMaxzoispes || 315 1-E060 | Е Аид(ЕБОЛОров) fopos| 158 | |1-502612 ind Screw(M2.6xrariopes) | [10905| 210| |+S14008H| Bunon Serewirle Mansiones) [19995] 315 6070 | Es OR 6pes | 158 || 1-503006 | вии Scene [00 210| [1s14010H) Bo o ou Cie AAN 10рсе]| 315 1-5100 | E ing(E10.0/6pos) 6p0s | 158 | | 14503008 | ind Screw(Max@/iopes) | [10005| 210] |+S1016H| Buton Screm(HouMastsispes) | 05 | 315 Нм” 1-503010 | виа Scremaxioriapes) | [10005] 210] |-S14010H) Burton бетениненлматеибров) | 55 | 215 -N2016 | LM. 6/10pc8) — 10pos| 210| | 1508012 ind Screw(Maxi2h0nes) | [10905| 210| [1514020] Burn SerowrledMaxzorspos) | 590 | 315 N20 | Km oponiopes) [109s] 210| | 1506016 | ing Screm(Mexiehopes) | [1080S] 210 | | 1514022H | Bion Sorowibimmhrensarapen) | 5955 | 315 1-N3024 | NuNIMBx2.4/TÓpCS) 10pos| 210 | | 1503018 | ina Screwactaropes) -——|'0Pes) 210) | (mmm num нех Зстой 1-N4092 | Nur(dx3 2)0p09) topes] 210 || 1500025 | ind Screw(Maxeshopes) | |'0pes| 210 | stoner putonserontieoTlanumloxlgpes) | 9PeS | 529 Een 1-503080 | виа Зсгенмзжзолорсв) [10005] 210] |-етаовнт| удел erage) | 80° | 525 1-N2620N | Nut{i2.6x3.0) Nylon (pes) | SPes| 210/ | +-504006 | bina Screwauoriopos) | 10Pes] 210 | -|Stanot| Suton sromleianiumMoctopes) | SPOS | 525 NST | Nur.) Nylon (ópcs) | 590s | 210 | | +804010 [ina Screwiaxtoropes)- — |10Pes] 210 | -|Staniznt|auton seee Tianumaextapo | PES | 525 NOON | urea) Nylon (ópog) | 5965 | 210 | | 150015 | Bing enone) | 10Pes] 210 | -|Stanit| Suton srl ianumMoxtpos) | SPOS | 525 NAOSEN | Nur) Nylon (ópcs) ]5P68 | 210 | | 1804020 [ina screwaxzomopes] | '0Pes] 210 | | -S14008HT| Bon serte TantmMiértapes SPOS | 735 тост Nyon Nur (WY ing Set Tapping cron Gap Screw + NINA] xa Non (Aumiumleps) | POS | 315 |-S02605TP) TP Bind Sorew(M2-6x6/i0pcs) © [10008] 210] |1-522610| Cap Screw(M2xto/spes) | ves | 210 + ISA Numa) Non (Auminum/Aadspe) | 9P05 | 815 | |-S02608TP) TP Bind Sorew(M2-6x@/i0pes) © [10965] 210) | 1522512 | Cob Scrmibiaberoimpes) || 5998 | 210 оком] нам Nylon (umnumiiergpos | PS | 915 | - |+S00IZTP| TP ind screm(M2.6xt2/1apce) |10Pes] 210 | | 120008 | Sop Se BEER wos | 210 ABBAS ttre) jon (map) | 575° | 318 |HSIB00TP| TE Bind Gcrewbxariopce)—|'0Pea| 210 | | 1-523010 | Cap ScrewWaxtoispes) | sves | 210 +A Auca) Non (Rummiumiedapos)| PES | 915) - 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|+-S0001oT| ing Goremiamiumarto/0pos)|'0Pcs) 420| |-Szao0aF| Ca SorewManarianged/apcs) | PES | 420 3090127 bind SereuTanlamiV@x12/10pes) [10998] 420 || 1-S24008F| Cap Serem(Méxé/Flanged/Spos) | PS | “20 41-sos0157 | 77 F EZ M3x15)(777/8A) 8pcs | 420 | |1-s24010F FvyTER(MAX10/7 5 St/5A) брсв | 420 Bind Screw(Titanium/M3x15/8pcs) Cap Screw(M4x10/Flanged/5pcs) % FOR JAPANESE MARKET ONLY. > ANI PAE E del 7 Screw, Nut, Ring, Washer (2) mt Parts Names AR (ELIO L6 70/00 * En m Parts Names A (EL) LE 1 709) Ali na Parts Names A Quantity| (5:34) XEM Dim Fla Lead Screw 1-534015TP TP Fla SE Орсе) 10pcs| 210 (mm Acuna Head Self Tapping Screw 50260 | Pat Head Sorow(M2 6x@rlopos) 10008] 210| |-S24020TP | 7p Flarticad Sorem(Wax20/10pes)[10Pcs] 210) - |+SRMTP rP Acund Screw(Wexe/10pos) [109s] 210 192012 | Far Head Seron(2 6xt2/I0pca) |0Pes| 210 | -|+SMOESTP rp Fiat Hoad Scrowiax25n0pes)[10Pc8] 210 | |+SEOTP| Tp acund Serewiv2xioriapos) | 10P*s| 210 1530006 | Far Head SereniMaxbopes)—|*000s| 210 | | [mmm ZEEE Screw +SANOSTP| TP round Screm(Moyenopos) | 10Pcs] 210 1530008 | Ear Head ScrewiMaxe/10pos) [1008 210| - 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ТР Рая Head Screw (Bia ope) | 1095] 210 kFRFHEL HERR ER24FE12A1HREDHD TY, "Kyosho Direct-Mail-Parts-Order-System" is available only for Japanese market. LU EPI: 1 AN AL = MAC / à XCNSDDÉANEEESENKCRSETIAEEES Om PLD. ARLTLE=8 TCEXXN7IÑ_Ú VA 7732/UÑ — YA HA L.ITERBDICÉJS ENTEFJÍ, OIT BIE TÉR ALTE < O. SIELATIRNZES ld. 177—£Y HE EE CRED SBERS CBA TSIEN TERT, HEE Е № OEMEIRIAM ICL DBEERFTEIIFEMR20E3A3THZ > TRRTIETWEE NTBNESDTFWDETKXTEE VU) ERD CAEL THERAS (BA) & (AAC SES BND TT. HKEZIWAEICEDREEFHREINEBRD EID TC TEED ENNEHESICTHELLEE WL, XEEITTFEHREZE - AMMNELI Id30BE1R SEX | DEMI DD, ENDE VW ко ОСБ ТЖ, 1. FF RBEBETERDIIES LY, КВ НСО БЕ, CORAESENKONTENEBIEREORIES TEE SHED/N\—Y DEED BIVEEIRE A TES. EC DÉS MEAN / RARE CBS (IS ERBEADNAL—ANIRD KI. HECCEREON YI CERCEMINT 1 ZATE, ROTA 71 YN НЗ СХ СЕВ, DAYA YN YERTE JN, CALON-YOME PEE EELIECO EXT CIN, EEE EZ ELINEZHAN IEE TI. REROCHEN BIEICHBEITUET, x— END TUNE STINEJ, A: REE TAE В: БВ СВЕ A C: SEXHIS5H3~4 HT N= DmBELHEZ EX UREZZILS, BERD ZH=ED. KEI ERT Do BEWLETS. 4717 N— BENE MERKE ATI ВАС. Na J 2. IATA VSElA O5:+ TRE S:BERAE TIRA CE, ФТС ZE, RENA NINO REA 7172737585 LAD<7ZL, r — a. A Y9—£ Y HTRISICELIAS http:/ KYOSHOM—AN—INDIYT 97 ADN RAY 71737 7IYy7LTUER MN AEQRI—RZEF THRMAAATWCLE < СЕВ НЕРВ АСЕ, EEE Z AHNDIZ EAU, 5 AYFAYYAYT(TYS—RY EN) TREAU ONLINE SHOP Ba 51D 55EV Се IEE, REAR T243-0034 #IIREATHT153 ФОНОВ НЕ С Ri 046-229-4115 ЗЧКНЫ) : А-а (НВС) 13:00-19:00 The service mentioned below is available only for Japanese market. RELIO, REL TAB ROBANS EI XEIZ TED. RELTAT EF<UDELBMREZSNUELES, TEBAW EWE SIE Е 7-1 +. RSI1— Y ME HANSEL, Ао рен ARE ОНЛ ОВ EFL ELH, TEEOEBEWE ERK ICUNESIZ CADIZ, 77 Y 7 АВТО ВНИЕ СОЖ РО СТЕК, RHANOBAVÉEX > RHI—T—HRE) REICEEIVWEEDORIE., TRHHI—TERZE] (C CÉRE X ES Le HANSEL, HFELICAM PRZ/ RAS CASO. RI/ NRO N— À, TEES, me (F—No)ZRWBRKRE, BERS EFNICEASELL EEL, æxcobquatr : 040-229-4115 ExTtosMUStid. AR-SEMENENRC)13:00-19:00, raxconmuauss: 046-229-1501 ria a tiny aus mune RECOBHWÊtELE : т243-0034 Я) ENTER №153 KREMS L1—Y — EI RS SE RR PR SMS AR BÊTA, FAXE RC ZEME TDX D <TTIN,E 57d. RA TRAND 2 SRSETIRERÍ, ELO Sd, SAVE BRO IC ARE LT<ICIL RE No.30972 BRE | ScorpionXXL ConvertibleKIT h EZ MERE [TEAL CHAE (B= _ _ )| AA A F AH В ME X——A Bm Ш E—4— SE READ TU 077 К к E TT (FF 638 СВО = Ey | Bi ( ) FAX ( ) THOBRIIC | == Then | BE ( ) FAX ( ) AB RAR) 13:00 19:00 TEE | No. 3 N BEIWE ET TEAR Bi BED — PMA ES(E—-No)EBNSAE, 22<EMINICTIA </ESL \ J XML CA, BEROBABRORELCHZEANTEDET, BERLDD, EXRUBAVWEGEZEBL THD ZA EBROBABRICDEXL TE. (1)~Q)DBEZREERTE=ZICRMH LfeDRRTBELIBIEREHBD ERA, ()BEROEOEEZR TIES, (Q)FRICETERRBERERIIIZE. BQ) —ELADRMD ICH UHDEFTLICHTRT 255. OHO THE FINEST RADIO CONTROL MODELS *KYOSHO CORPORATION hereby declare that this product is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. The Declaration of Conformity (DoC) can be downloaded at following URL. *Hiermit erklart die KYOSHO Corporation, dass dieses Produkt in Ubereinstimmung mit der Richtlinie 1999/5/EC ist und ihr in allen relevanten Punkten entspricht. Die Konformitatserklarung kann unter dem folgenden Link abgerufen werden: *Par la présente, KYOSHO CORPORATION déclare que cet équipement est conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions de la directive 1999/5/CE qui lui sont applicables. La déclaration de conformité peut être consultée à l'adresse suivante: *Por medio de la presente KYOSHO declara que este producto cumple con los requisitos esenciales y cualesquiera otras disposiciones aplicables o . exigibles de la Directiva 1999/5/CE. RAS La Declaracion de Conformidad (DoC) puede descargarse en la siguiente direccion de Internet: T 243-0034 ZA) ATT 153 0 -1— 7 — EZ ERBE 046-229-4115 | XIE ONCE SE ERAUT EESUNSEIL : AE-CE(MERNZER<)13 : 00-19 ! 00 80411212-1 PRINTED IN TAIWAN ZERR/CEEL ALL +5. | ">

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